recipe: pesto rice weekday breakfast

a very californian no-recipe recipe 

Nothing makes me feel more accomplished than eating a real breakfast on a weekday. I usually am more prone to breakfast on-the-go type, but on rare days when I somehow have my shit together enough to see what I have in the fridge and cobble together a meal that requires the stove, I am my best self. This breakfast was equally inspired by Sqirl and by the leftovers I happened to have in the fridge. As in, I happened to have cooked brown rice, a jar of pesto, and a container of gari. I initially reached for the gari for color, like a visual substitution of watermelon radish… but it actually turned out really good, adding a vinegary sweet kick to complement the savory. Also, if you eat the ginger with avocado, it basically tastes like sushi. 
This is one of those no-recipe recipes. I don’t measure anything, so it’s all really to seasoned taste and portioned depending on how hungry you are 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


Brown rice, cooked
Pesto (to taste) 
Pickled ginger (gari
1/2 hass avocado, sliced
1 egg
A couple shakes of everything bagel seasoning  


  1. Mix rice with pesto to taste, you can use any kind of pesto, I used Trader Joe’s quinoa pesto, one heaping spoon for about a half cup of cooked rice 
  2. Cook egg however you like: fried, over-easy, soft boiled, poached, etc.
  3. Plate the pesto rice as a base
  4. Arrange sliced avocado, egg over the rice
  5. Top with some gari and everything bagel seasoning
  6. Bask in the glory of your Californian adulthood